Borba Lip Treatments
Borba seems to be THE hottest thing in skin care products lately. I keep hearing about it. It is obvious that the Borba line of skin care products is growing quickly because it doesn’t just cover up...
View ArticleKnee Pain – is it an ACLU injury?
Yes, it’s an old joke, but as soon as I told RT that I had hurt my knee earlier today, he said I must have an ACLU injury. Ha! Ha! I laughed. RT’s corny, but I enjoy his humor. It DOES hurt like...
View ArticleThe DASH Diet and the Cookie Diet
If you read The Median Sib regularly you know that I’ve tried a couple diets lately. Nutrisystem was a bomb. I shipped all the food back today. A lot of it was simply inedible. Now I’ve...
View ArticleHistory Repeats Itself – The Biggest Loser Food Plan
Lord have mercy! Do you recall that back the first of March I ordered the NutriSystem food, and I waited and I waited – and finally after many emails and phone calls, I finally received the food...
View Article16-pound Schwannoma tumor to be removed from girl’s face
A Vietnamese girl has been dealing with a steadily growing schwannoma tumor on her face for over ten years. It is a giant tumor. I won’t include a photo because it is quite disturbing. You can click...
View ArticleFish Pedicure – doctor fish (Photos, video)
Getting a pedicure typically involves having the pedicurist use a razor to scrape away dead skin or a stone to file it away. Concerns about how sanitary those razors are led at least one salon owner...
View ArticleWho dreamed up the prep for a colonoscopy?
Who dreamed up the prep necessary for a colonoscopy? I personally believe that it’s doctors’ revenge. Doctors who must spend their days looking up people’s butts with a tiny video camera must want the...
View ArticleExercise pill
It’s the answer to many a couch potato’s prayer. Researchers have discovered a chemical compound that they say will produce the benefits of an aerobic workout – but without the aerobic workout....
View ArticleOn being a moley wimp
I went to the dermatologist today to have additional tissue removed from around where a “moderately abnormal” mole was removed a couple months ago. I’m quite the wimp when it comes to doctors and...
View ArticleRape and Abortion
In reading pro-abortion writing, I am struck by people who defend abortion by saying, “If my daughter was raped, I would go with her to get an abortion and hold her hand throughout!” As though...
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